Visible Ukraine

Visible Ukraine – міждисциплінарний веб-журнал у галузі гуманітарних та соціальних наук, створений та керований учасниками проєкту Invisible University for Ukraine. Ми прагнемо посилити численні українські голоси, звернути увагу на нові міждисциплінарні теми та сприяти інтелектуальному обміну, щоб зробити Україну видимою в дискусіях на локальному, регіональному та глобальному рівнях.

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«Це — найважливіше, що з нами траплялося»

«Це — найважливіше, що з нами траплялося»

Гру 21, 2023

Олександр Михед — один з небагатьох українських авторів, який за півтора року повномасштабної війни написав аж дві книжки. Казка «Котик,…

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Ongoing Programs

Ukraine’s EU Integration: Compliance and Resilience in Times of War & Geopolitical Rivalries

Inna Melnykovska, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Central European University Nazarii Stetsyk, Deaprtment of Legal Studies, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Ukraine’s integration into the European Union (EU)…

The Politics of Warfare: Key Concepts in the History of Modern Military Thought

Tetiana Zemliakova, Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute This course introduces students to the intellectual and political history of modern warfare. It studies the principal concepts of military theory…

Identities-Borders-Orders: Migration and Belonging

Viktoriya Sereda, Professor, Ukrainian Catholic University, Senior Fellow, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin Oksana Mikheieva, Professor, Ukrainian Catholic University and European University Viadrina The title of the course derives from the…

Sexuality and Decoloniality 

Nadiya Chushak, Professor, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Maria Mayerchyk, Senior Research Associate, Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine, Kule Project Archivist, Kule Folklore Centre, University of…

Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Counter-Cultures in Ukraine and East Central Europe

Bohdan Shumylovych, Head of Public History Programs at the Center for Urban History, Lviv Balazs Trencsényi, Professor, CEU History Department, and lead researcher of CEU Democracy Institute The course intends…

Western Balkans: Imperial Legacies, Nation-Building, State Disintegration

Vladimir Petrović, Research Professor, Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade, and CEU Democracy Institute The southeastern peninsula of the European continent, more recognizable under its loaded term “the Balkans,” is a…

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Open Calls

2024 Spring Semester — Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU)

Launched in Spring 2022, Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU) is a certificate program (offering ECTS credits) initiated by Central European University for junior and senior undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA…

2023 Fall Semester — Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU)

Launched in Spring 2022, Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU) is a certificate program (offering ECTS credits) initiated by Central European University for junior and senior undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA…