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The Instance of Enunciation in the Researcher’s Position

The Instance of Enunciation in the Researcher’s Position

Nov 28, 2023

Publicly given speeches are often perceived with too much focus on their literal content. Yet, the functioning of public speech…

Older Stories

Dnipro(petrovsk), early 70s

City in/and Narrative

Jun 25, 2023

In 2022 the world has seen the book of Chair…

The Curse of Russian Imperialism - The interview with Martin Schulze Wessel on Imperial Optics, False Dichotomies, and the Need to Reconsider East European History

The Curse of Russian Imperialism

May 20, 2023

In this conversation with RevDem editor Ferenc Laczó, Martin Schulze…

Collecting, Sharing, Letting Be — An Interview with Vesna Teršelič on Dealing with the Past

Collecting, Sharing, Letting Be

Mar 21, 2023

Speaking about traumatic memory generally presupposes speaking about narrative creation.…

The Ideas Behind the IUFU

The Ideas Behind the IUFU

Jan 10, 2023

In times of crisis, solidarity and collaborative action play a…

Culture, Memory, and Wars in the Recent Studies of History

Culture, Memory, and Wars in the Recent Studies of History

Jan 13, 2023

Joep Leerssen is an Emeritus Professor of Modern European Literature…

Why Ukraine’s Millions of Displaced People Will Define Its Future

Why Ukraine’s Millions of Displaced People Will Define Its Future

Jan 10, 2023

“They bombed our apartment,” Sasha told me nonchalantly in Kyiv…