Bachelor’s student in Philosophy at the University of Leipzig.
Propaganda, or Not Propaganda: That is the Question?
As of February, 2024, the Russo-Ukrainian war is starting again for the third time, the synchronicity and asynchronicity of communication for people living in/with/between war(s) has been changing. The truth and lies we encounter and articulate get different weight, the…
Women in History and Women’s History
Zsófia Lóránd is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna. She focuses on the history of feminism in post-WWII Eastern Europe, covering the history of feminist movements in the region, feminist…
Collecting, Sharing, Letting Be
Speaking about traumatic memory generally presupposes speaking about narrative creation. Articulation and re-telling are often perceived as weaving the canvases back after rupture, as filling the empty spaces left by the trauma. But are these the only effective ways to…
A Complex History of Ukrainian History
Andriy Portnov is a professor of Ukrainian history at the Viadrina European University in Frankfurt am Oder, director of the Prisma Ukraïna research network focusing on the Eastern Europe, author and co-editor of nine books and over two hundred scientific…