Danilo Mandić

Danilo Mandić

Associate Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the Harvard University. He is a political sociologist and comparative historical analyst. He specializes in war, refugees, nationalism, separatism, ethnic relations, social movements, organized crime, post-colonial states, and post-conflict societies. His research interests lie within social movements, nationalism, social theory, ethnic relations, civil war, and organized crime.


Why Ukraine’s Millions of Displaced People Will Define Its Future

Why Ukraine’s Millions of Displaced People Will Define Its Future

Jan 10, 2023

“They bombed our apartment,” Sasha told me nonchalantly in Kyiv last May. Fortunately, no one was hurt. She and her husband Dimitri were busy in a friend’s kitchen preparing Molotov cocktails to hurl at Russian tanks, a popular pastime in…