
Propaganda, or Not Propaganda: That is the Question?

As of February, 2024, the Russo-Ukrainian war is starting again for the third time, the synchronicity and asynchronicity of communication for people living in/with/between war(s) has been changing. The truth and lies we encounter and articulate get different weight, the…

The Criminality in Kyiv in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

This article explores the practices of crime investigation in the Russian Empire and outlines the interplay of different actors during the process. By showing the intersections of various levels of detective work, the article argues about the significance of local…

Emerging Researchers II: Academic Papers from IUfU Scholarship Program

In the Fall Semester of 2022, Invisible University for Ukraine launched a scholarship program aiming to support students from Ukrainian universities co-funded by the Open Society University Network and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). Since then, the program has helped…